Tech Savvy

The SK’s and Grade 1-3’s have been very busy in Technology. We’ve been learning all about the keyboard and how to use it. Thanks to our Foundation Wish List money, we recently acquired bluetooth keyboards so that we can use the iPads to practise our keyboarding skills too. Thank you CGS parents! Using the program “Dance Mat Typing”, we’ve been learning proper hand placement and getting comfortable with the computer and mouse. Grades 1-3’s have also begun learning the basics of Microsoft Word. We’ve been learning how to change our fonts, copy and insert pictures and how to format our work to fit everything onto one page. The Grade 2/3’s also learned how to make mini campaign posters for the Student Government elections on Monday. The next few weeks will be spent away from the computers so we can focus on Internet Safety and Digital Footprints. There hasn’t been a dull moment in Technology and it has been so wonderful to see the students so eager to learn how to master technological skills!
Michelle Menezes
Technology & Resource Teacher
Children’s Garden School
Technology & Resource Teacher
Children’s Garden School