Our classrooms this week
The Early Start class is continuing their Black History Month curriculum. Today they read the book ‘I am Strong’ featuring the life of Rosa Parks. The Early Start classes read the story and had a lively discussion time. They showed their solidarity with a display of their strong muscles. The reading time was followed by…
Read MoreCoding Takes to the Sidewalk
How cool is this? The Grade 2/3’s took their Technology coding project curbside. The sidewalks have never looked so smart! Codes had to include 10 commands and a P1 or P2 (if the children wanted more challenge). P stands for Procedure. These commands are used to extract a common set of instructions or patterns from…
Read MoreTech Dance Party
Friday and Monday got a little mixed up at school this week. The Grade 2/3’s have been coding their own sequences using Dance Party on in Technology and they wanted to share the cool results with us. What a great excuse for an extra Dance Party to start the week! JK-Grade 3 signed on…
Read MoreSpaghetti Clean-Up in Technology
‘It’s all about the basics.’ ~Dayna, CGS IT Right? Knowing the basics when it comes to technology is critical these days – without them, it is so easy to go astray. Dayna has been visiting the Grade 2/3’s this term to teach them the basics of coding. Recently she walked them through Level 1 of…
Read MoreKeyboarding Without Tears
A very, very big thank you to the CGS Foundation for providing iPads (with individual keyboards) for all the Grade 1-3 students. This was a significant investment by the Foundation, and it is enormously appreciated by the children and staff. The iPads were delivered to the children last week and have already been put to…
Read MoreThe Grade 1-3 iPads Have Arrived
It was like Christmas at CGS this week – the iPads that were ordered way back for delivery in September finally arrived! Marie and Dayna actually did a happy dance. (They were much anticipated.) Thank you to the CGS Foundation for making this significant investment in technology for the students. Every Grade 1-3 student now…
Read MoreRemember Space Invaders?
The Grades 1’s, 2’s and 3’s have been busy learning how to code using Scratch Jr. Every week, we look at the intricacies of this amazing app and have been learning the fundamentals of how to create code to make movies, stories and games. This week the Grade 1 students learned how to code the…
Read MoreSunset & Moonrise
The Grade 1’s are learning how to code using the Scratch Jr. app. Every week we have been expanding our lessons to explore the various programming that we can create. This week we looked at how we can edit our backgrounds to cut out/remove images, change colours, as well as how to switch from one…
Read MoreTechnology is Power
During Term 1, the Grades 1-3 students learned how to use PowerPoint in Technology class. The main goal was to share an interest of theirs with their classmates. Using their newfound Microsoft Word skills (font, sizing, colour, etc.), they created slides in PowerPoint. When they completed their slides, they then learned how to animate their…
Read MoreTech Savvy
The SK’s and Grade 1-3’s have been very busy in Technology. We’ve been learning all about the keyboard and how to use it. Thanks to our Foundation Wish List money, we recently acquired bluetooth keyboards so that we can use the iPads to practise our keyboarding skills too. Thank you CGS parents! Using the program…
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