Evergreen Brickworks is Beautiful
The first field trip of the school year was a huge success! This past Tuesday, the Grades 1-3 classes ventured to Evergreen Brickworks. We couldn’t have had better weather for this fun-filled day! Our day started with our guides, Inchworm and Tamarack (their nature names), leading us on an adventure through the beautiful trails. The children saw snapping turtles, painted turtles and many fish in the ponds, and they even tasted the leaves of cedar and pine trees! After lunch, the students played freely in the Children’s Garden, exploring the many wonderful nature toys and building materials available to them. Inchworm and Tamarack shared an entertaining story about animal homes, which the children all loved. For our last activity, one group ventured into the forest to build animal homes using the items they found outside, while the other group learned about (and held) earthworms and made cattail seed balls that were thrown into the garden.
It was a day that was enjoyed by all, full of teamwork and adventure. We can’t wait for the next field trip!
Michelle Luke
Grade 2/3 Teacher
Children’s Garden School
Grade 2/3 Teacher
Children’s Garden School