So Long 2018/19
The 2018/19 school year sped by so quickly! It was a whirlwind of drop-offs and pickups, high fives from Don, special events and performances, projects and progress. The CGS community as a whole accomplished so much. Thank you to our exceptional CGS staff for their endless creativity and dedication to bringing the best to their…
Read MoreHappy Camping
The weather was beautiful, spirits were high, the smores were tasty, and the river was awesome. Norval was another resounding success this year! A huge thank you to Paula for putting so much time and energy into making this a wonderful, magical time for the campers. There is a tremendous amount of planning that goes…
Read MoreTree Top Terrific
We know there were some doubts as to how much fun the children would have at Tree Top Trekking in the rain last week but rest assured, it was lots! The children had a blast. They may have been soggy when they got back to school but they were so happy. There were some new…
Read MorePositively Adorable
The PA sponsors an end-of-year culminating activity for all of the children. The Early Start class is too young to go off on the same kind of outdoor adventure as the big kids so instead they get special visitors at school. They were so thrilled to have Pawsitively Pets come to their classroom this year!…
Read MoreA Birdhouse for Don
For the past two weeks the Early Start class has worked very hard on creating wonderful birdhouses. The birdhouses were kindly donated by a longtime Leaside neighbour and good friend of Liz’s. The children were so excited to present a birdhouse to their favourite friend Don. The children helped to decorate and sign their names…
Read MoreSchool of Fish
CGS students are one big school of fish swimming together in harmony! The students in Grade 1 learned how to paint these beautiful koi fish during the last few weeks of school. They examined balance in art and how the position of the fish swimming is visually appealing and balanced. The pair of fish are…
Read MoreFather’s Day Coffee
Thank you to all of the Daddies who came out for coffee and donuts last week. We had to celebrate you a little early due to the end of school but the Principal’s Club wanted to make sure you felt special. We hope you had a great day on Sunday!
Read MoreUsing Our Imaginations
During the final month of school we were focussing on Imagination. Here are a few words from Marie from the Character Education Assembly last week ~ The dictionary defines imagination as the ability to form a picture in your mind of something that you have not seen or experienced. It is the ability to think…
Read MoreRoyal Selfies
The JK and SK classes had so much fun creating their royal self-portraits using pencil, pastels, paper, and paint. We began the lesson by sketching an oval with pencil. The children were directed to lightly sketch guidelines of where certain features belong on the face. The children then learned step-by-step how to draw the unique…
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