Zandée Raises A Roof
While some of us were on the beach over March Break, our very own Zandée was working hard. She travelled with Raise A Roof Jamaica to Riverton City in Kingston, Jamaica to help construct two new wood homes for families in need. She joined a group of twelve Toronto high school student volunteers and eight adult volunteers. The community of Riverton is located in a municipal dump.
When Zandée and the team of volunteers arrived, the two families in need were living with other Riverton families sharing double beds with multiple people. The goal was to create a space these families could call their own. One house was for General, a grandfather raising his two grandchildren, and the second house was for Samora and her two children. The houses were built in four days. Zandée spent some long days in the heat but had an amazing time meeting the Riverton families and working as part of a team. The neighbourhood children got in on the act and helped where they could.
Zandée would like to extend her thanks to CGS families for supporting this cause. Term 1 Toonie Free Dress money purchased some of the building supplies required for the job.