Specialties at CGS: Yoga

The Specialty Educators are an integral part of our CGS curriculum and community.  Through language, music, drama, physical education, mindfulness and art, we empower children to communicate, represent, and express their thoughts, feelings, and perceptions. All of our specialties provide opportunities to enrich the child’s understanding of our world and the diverse cultures within it.…

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Mental Health and Wellness Day at CGS

Each term at CGS we set aside a day to take a break from our usual routine. Our Founder and Principal, Marie encourages every educator to participate in CGS Mental Health and Wellness Day by providing opportunities to pause from the traditional academic school day. Early childhood is an important time for developing healthy habits…

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Take Good Care of Yourself

As parents and caregivers, there are ways we can support our children to give them the best chance to stay mentally healthy and fit. Encouraging and guiding a child to think about their own mental health and wellness are vital skills we can teach them from a young age. In each of our three terms…

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Embracing Wellness

In the hustle and bustle of academic life, it’s easy to overlook the importance of mental health and well-being. Recognizing this, CGS dedicates an entire day each term to prioritize the mental well-being of our students and staff. The result? A resounding success that leaves a lasting impact on the entire school community. All of…

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CGS Wellness Day Term 3 2023

Can you believe we are already halfway through our last term of the school year! What better way to celebrate than with a Wellness and Mental Health Day as a reward! A lot of our students took this day to reflect on their contributions to our society, our community and the lands we share and…

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Mindful Movement with Mai

Big breathes in, and big breathes out. That’s what has been buzzing around our school the last few weeks. Isn’t it wonderful that some of our students have weekly mindfulness classes full of movement, breath work, and yoga! Our in-house Yoga Specialist teacher Mai has been guiding some of our students every week. Our older…

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Term 2 Mental Health and Wellness Day

  Selfcare is the best care. Taking a break from our regular scheduled programming is crucial in order to heal, destress and grow through any and all life experiences. Wellness is the act of practicing healthy habits on a daily basis to attain better physical and mental health outcomes, so that instead of just surviving,…

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Welcome Back!

Welcome Back! We are so excited to welcome all of our wonderful students back to school! After two weeks off, we are spending our time reconnecting and getting back into our routines. Our students were very enthusiastic to be back with their friends and share their stories from the holidays. We eased back into the…

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