What Does Winter Feel Like?

Winter is here….or so it may seem, if you gage the season by the sight of snow or the feel of bitter cold. What does winter feel like? Does it have a scent? Before the Winter Break, our Art Educator, Marianna encouraged every child in our school to freeze a moment in time as they…

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The Canadian Library Project

Taking part in Orange Shirt Day is a simple way for our CGS community to honour Canada’s National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Observed annually, we use this time as an opportunity to learn with our students; about the history of this injustice, to promote empathy toward Indigenous communities and a deeper understanding of their…

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Chances are, your CGS student may have come home talking about “International Dot Day” last week. Or, if you’re still having trouble getting them to tell you about their day…we’re here to help! (Thank you Marie for your latest Principal’s Message!) Inspired by “The Dot”, a treasured children’s book by author, Peter H. Reynolds, our…

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Open-Ended Learning

Our SK and Grade 3 Learning Buddies spent the afternoon outdoors enjoying the sunshine, and an exploration with “loose parts”. Creating their self-portrait was the goal, but the process of creating was just as important, or even more, as their outcome. While product-based art focusses on how the end-result should look, process-based creations value the…

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Character Trait of the Month: WARM

“A warm heart can heat us even in very low temperatures…” ~ Mehmet Murat ildan  A new term, a new month, a new character trait at CGS:   WARM ~ having, showing, or expressive of enthusiasm, affection, or kindness.  _______    In this, traditionally not warm, month of February, our focus is on equality, diversity, inclusivity, positivity and active engagement.  …

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And Away we “Gogh”!

This week our grades 1 to 3 went on an incredible adventure to the Van Gogh Immersive Experience organized by our resident art teacher Carrie! It was a day filled with colours, paintings, and so much fun. Imagine walking into a world where paintings come to life, where you can touch the colours and feel…

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Our Awesome SKs!!

It’s time to catch up on what our amazing SK class has been up to these last few weeks!! From exciting science projects to heartwarming Fall seasonal moments, they’ve had quite a lot of fun with their learning! In the world of science, our SK class has been conducting some fascinating experiments! From diving into…

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Celebrating International Dot Day!

This past Friday September 15th was the 20th anniversary of International Dot Day! What is Dot Day you ask? Dot Day is a global celebration of creativity, inspired by Peter H. Reynolds’ beloved book, “The Dot.” It is is a day when students and teachers come together to celebrate the power of creativity, courage, self-expression,…

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Welcoming Back Our Returning Staff!

We are so excited to have such amazing group of individuals returning with us for another magical year at CGS! Even though some have been here for a while, we thought it would be nice for a re-get-to-know-you session with each of them as life is ever growing and changing! Please enjoy reading all about…

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Celebrating Moms and Families a Little Extra These Days

  It’s been a celebratory week for our CGS parents! All of our students have been crafting with love with Mother’s Day and International Day of Families as their motivation. All of our students enjoyed expressing their love and gratitude through fun homemade gifts like potted plants, personally designed tote bags, origami bouquets, rainbow painted…

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