GIVING in December

December’s character trait at CGS is “giving” and our community continues to come together in a variety of ways as we open our hearts to share with others. Thank you CGS Student Government and Office Manager, Zandée who spearheads the project each year. Our CGS families gather food donations for St. Ann’s Food Bank in…

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The CGS Uniform

Is their gym t-shirt showing its age? Has your kiddo outgrown their zip-hoodie? Did you know there are two styles of gym pants? Are skirts and shorts are an option in the warmer months? Check out the CGS Parent’s Association Uniform Store Thursday the 12th of December from 8:30am-10:00am Why do we have a CGS…

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Remembrance Day and Veteran’s Week at CGS

“We wear poppies to show that we remember all of the veterans who have helped our country and our world to be safe.” Our Veteran’s Week activities at CGS are focussed on peace, quiet reflection, and gratitude. From our Early Start/Preschool to our upper primary grades, we gratefully honour our veterans and service members on this…

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Generosity Abounds at CGS!

Today is Picture Day at CGS so we’re all smiling and sparkling as staff and students are wearing Number One Dress. We love our CGS uniform yet we’re not required to wear it on “Free Dress Fridays”. Instead, we gather toonies, and donate to a variety of worthy causes.  Have you heard of Furniture Bank?…

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Parent Involvement Makes a Difference

Earlier this week, we celebrated the 38th Anniversary of CGS. Over the years, many things have changed in education, yet we remain steadfast in our goal to provide our students with a remarkable foundation for their educational journey. Together with you, our CGS families, we have established our school as a fixture in the community…

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CGS Spirit Week!

Spirit Week at CGS encourages school pride as we unite over a common theme. This year’s theme was “Be the Magic!” and our Spirit Week Team of Melissa, Erin, Tinku and Naomi prepared an incredible number of engaging activities like everyday-hero-dress-up, a magic show, tye-dying, colourful and magical dress-days and a cereal box domino effect…

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Which Club Did You Choose?

CGS Term 2 Clubs started this week! Which did you choose? Boxercise or Ballet? Comic Book Creating or Directive Drawing?  Multi-sport, Principal’s Club or Drumming and Games?   The best way for our children to discover their strengths and develop their interests is to experience a wide variety of activities. Each term CGS offers a…

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You’ve Got A Friend in Me

Our Reading Buddies Program began last week between our JKs and our Grade 2s, not only to assist our younger readers, but to build social connections within our CGS community, too. This program of cooperative learning was initiated at CGS this year by our Grade 2/3 team of educators, Michelle and Gabrielle as a brilliant…

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Why Were There No Classes on Monday?

After a long and lovely Winter Break, our team gathered early Monday morning as usual, except without the children in the building. Instead of our usual hugs, high-fives, and hellos from CGS students, this day we were greeted with light breakfast fare and the time to enjoy casual conversation amongst our dedicated group.   Our…

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Winter Solstice Games in the “House”! 

The shortest day, the longest night…winter’s chill takes a frosty bite. Light a candle, cuddle near,  Enjoy the season, Winter’s here!  The night sky this week will be filled with shooting stars, an exceptionally bright moon, and an array of constellations to usher in the winter solstice on the 21st. As we prepared for the winter…

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